Monday, June 8, 2015

Memoirs of a Reincarnated Prophet

Memoirs of a Reincarnated Prophet” chronicles the adventures of a small town girl in her quest for identity and purpose. A daunting vision and an innate gift provide clues along her journey; however, she must embark on a treacherous road to Salvation to obtain definitive answers.

In this heartwarming tale, inspired by true life events, A Rae Masters captivates audiences just as she has done in previous works, such as Rhymes—a mystery novel and Bible Theories—a critical synopsis of biblical text. She acquired a degree in writing in 2012 and has written numerous blogs, feature articles, and freelance pieces over the course of seven years. But, her role in “Memoirs of a Reincarnated Prophet” proves to be her most poignant portrayal.... Continue Reading

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Eccentric Tastes Fuel the Economy

TH!NKcity | Source
A longing to be different benefits society. We all aspire to stand out from the crowd, and savvy merchandising experts prey upon this desire. From personalized offers to pricey memberships and costly upgrades, advertisers entice us with the allure of exclusivity. This effective marketing strategy generates revenue and stimulates the economy. The following episode perfectly illustrates this point.

Beloved GTI | Source
Bill, a casual acquaintance, recently purchased a 2014 hatchback with electric power train. As the only one on the block, this new sedan garnered loads of attention. While Bill relished in the spotlight, he lectured others on fuel efficiency, alternative energy sources and motor vehicle emissions.

"In the conventional roadster I traveled 1,000 miles each month and spent about $300 a month on gas," Bill gloated over his $30,000 investment. "With this beauty I can drive the same distance for roughly $30 a month. Do the math—that’s a $270 saving!"

Laughing Bug | Source
Bill’s cutting-edge decision was unique; it immediately distinguished him from the neighbors. He bragged about his new ride around town, while the rest of us gas guzzlers marveled at the innovation. For a while, it appeared as though Bill would maintain this distinct honor.

However, weeks later a nearby resident cruised into her driveway with an upgraded all-electric conveyance. Stacey’s mint green model included tinted windows and a sunroof, features lacking in Bill’s version.... Continue Reading